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Online Sexual Bullying Lawyer


Online Sexual Bullying and Online Sexual Harassment in Employment

Compassionate Sexual Harassment Attorneys Fighting Against Online Sexual Bullying in Employment and Online Sexual Harassment for Over 25 Years.

Online sexual bullying occurs when your employer, coworker, manager, supervisor, non-employee, or client harasses you, intimidates you, or threatens you with sexual gestures, acts, photos, or language. It is a form of cyberbullying. It is also a form of virtual sexual harassment in employment.

With the availability of technology, people can bully anyone from anywhere at any time. All they need is a cell phone, tablet, or computer to begin online sexual bullying.

In the virtual employment environment, it can become as prevalent an issue as in any in-person workplace. When your rights get violated, you need an attorney that understands your rights in an online or virtual place of employment. Your attorney should know all the laws that can help you seek justice. Your attorney should be willing to fight for your rights as efficiently as possible.

The dedicated sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group fight for online sexual bullying victims to help them get the justice they deserve. Our attorneys are admitted to the bar in New York City, Philadelphia, Miami, Los Angeles, and New Jersey.

Our talented sexual harassment lawyers will work with you from the moment you enter our offices. We will attempt to settle the case in the best manner possible. However, if the case leads to a trial, we will work side-by-side with you from the moment we file the first motion until the trial reaches a judgment or settlement. We do not back down from litigation and will stand side-by-side with you to advocate for your rights. We work hard to get you the best possible outcome for your sexual harassment claim.

What Is Online Sexual Bullying in Employment?

Online sexual bullying means an employer, CEO, manager, supervisor, coworker, client, customer, or non-employee harasses, intimidates, or threatens you by using sexual gestures, acts, photos, or language. The person targets you based on your sexuality or gender.

Online sexual bullying is also known as a form of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying occurs when a person uses online tools to harass, intimidate or threaten you. Online tools include:

  • Email
  • Social media
  • Online meetings
  • Text messages
  • Other forms of online tools

Online sexual bullying takes cyberbullying a step further. Sexually bullying targets victims based on gender, sexual identity, or sexual orientation. It may include sexual coercion as well as sexual harassment and request for sexual favors.

Online Sexual Bullying also includes revenge porn. Revenge porn occurs when your coworker, manager, employer, or another person in your workplace posts photos or videos of you online. It can include sexually explicit photos or videos. It can also include sexually explicit stories.

Revenge porn intends to humiliate you. Many times, the photos, videos, or stories are false or misleading. Revenge porn violates criminal laws as well as sexual harassment and online sexual bullying laws.

The dedicated sexual harassment lawyers and former sex-crimes prosecutors at the Derek Smith Law Group have years of experience dealing with online sexual bullying claims from employees. Unfortunately, the claims are more common than many would like to believe. However, their experience is also your gain. They can help you determine your claim’s details to create a complaint to help you get justice in the court.

What Are Examples of Online Sexual Bullying in Employment?

Your employer should prevent online sexual bullying. However, online sexual bullying happens in many workplaces. Many employers do not take their responsibility seriously enough.

Online sexual bullying can occur in many ways. Some examples of online sexual bullying in employment include:

  • Your coworker begins stalking you online.
  • Your boss trolls you on social media. He tells people you are gay and then pretends to be your boyfriend. Your reputation is suffering.
  • Your coworker makes excessive sexual jokes every time he texts you. You ask him to stop. He does not.
  • Your manager sends you naked pictures of herself every day. You complained to HR. The behavior does not stop.
  • Your coworker threatens you through a social media message. He says he will tell your boss you stole money from the company if you refuse to go on a date with him.
  • Your coworker begins to call you a slut online and through company emails because you refuse to sext with him.
  • Your boss posts false sexually explicit pictures of you on Instagram to get back at you for having a girlfriend. She wants to date you and is angry you are faithful to your girlfriend.

There is no harm in presenting your situation to a qualified online sexual bullying attorney. The Derek Smith Law Group attorneys will provide a free consultation. You can present the details of your situation. Then, your attorney will help determine if a claim exists. From there, your attorney can move forward with filing your claim to obtain legal relief.

What Laws Protect Employees from Online Sexual Bullying?

Employers have the responsibility of providing a safe place of employment. A safe place of employment requires a workplace free from discrimination and sexual harassment. Whether harassment comes from other employees, your boss, or clients, your employer must protect your rights to a workplace free from sexual harassment.

Your status as a salaried or hourly employee or a contractor does not affect your rights to a safe workplace. All people who get paid for labor deserve a workplace without sexual harassment and cyberbullying.

Online sexual bullying falls under employment laws relating to sexual harassment. Therefore, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects employees from online sexual bullying. Employers with 15 or more employees must follow the law.

States also maintain employment sexual harassment laws. Depending on the state, the laws protect employees in companies with 1 to 15 employees.

Many states also protect against cyberbullying and revenge porn. Specifically, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, and California maintain state laws protecting individuals from online sexual bullying resulting from cyberbullying and revenge porn.

If you become the victim of online sexual bullying at work, you need a qualified sexual harassment lawyer to help you file your claim. The sexual harassment attorneys at the Derek Smith Law Group can help you determine which laws are best suited for your claim.

How Can Employees File a Claim for Online Sexual Bullying at Work?

When you experience online sexual bullying in employment, you have a right to fight back. You can file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

You can file your claim with the EEOC within 180 days of the event. Once the EEOC reviews your claim, you can file a complaint in federal court within 90 days.

State laws vary regarding the time to file a claim. Most states allow 180 days to 4 years to file a claim for online sexual bullying. Most states require filings to be submitted directly in state court. However, to determine which courts best suit your claim, speak to a sexual harassment attorney before filing your claim.

The dedicated sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group can help you determine the best court for your employment online sexual bullying legal claim. They will ensure you file your claims within the proper time period to get heard. Missing the statute of limitations can leave your lawsuit sitting on the shelf. The Sexual harassment lawyers of the Derek Smith Law Group will ensure your case never misses a statute of limitation or hinders your right to legal review.

What Remedies Help Victims of Online Sexual Bullying in Employment?

The courts do not take online sexual bullying in employment lightly. Aside from sexual harassment, online sexual bullying is a form of cyberbullying. The courts are cracking down on incidents of cyberbullying. Therefore, they may choose to make an example of any employer that allows it to occur.

The courts may offer various remedies for your employment ordeal. Courts may offer financial relief for pain and suffering, legal fees, and more.

However, they may also offer remedies that prevent this behavior from occurring again in your place of employment. The courts may insist your employer update company policies to reflect necessary changes. They may also insist your employer mandate sexual harassment training. They may require the training to include a section regarding online sexual bullying.

Your dedicated sexual harassment lawyer can help you request the relief best suited for your claim. Your lawyers should explain the remedies available and make the argument to the court for your claims. The experienced litigation and sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group can help you get the relief you need.

Let the Compassionate Sexual Harassment Lawyers Help Your Get the Justice You Deserve.

The sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group have spent over 25 years fighting for victims’ rights. From the moment you walk into their offices, your attorney will work diligently to help you fight against employment sexual harassment and online sexual bullying.

Your lawyer will explain the legal process to you. Within days, they will file your claim with the EEOC or proper state agency. They will work night and day to settle your legal claim as quickly as possible. However, if your boss refuses to settle fairly, your sexual harassment lawyer will stay with you throughout a trial. They will fight for you like you are their family. They will fight until the courts enter a judgment, and you receive justice.

Call today at 800.807.2209 to speak with one of our compassionate sexual harassment lawyers for your free consultation. Our lawyers will never collect any fees until your claim settles or a judgment is entered in your favor.

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