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Unwelcome Requests For Sex


Sexual Harassment Attorney Explains Unwelcome Requests For Sex in New York City, Philadelphia, Miami & Los Angeles

Few situations are more uncomfortable than unwanted requests for sex in the workplace. You are at work to get your job done — not to be the subject of sexual harassment.

Under federal and state law, it is illegal to demand sex from an employee or co-worker. In fact, any unwelcome request for sex may be considered harassment, and you might be entitled to compensation. If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual harassment in New York City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, or Miami, call for a free consultation at (800) 807-2209 to learn your rights and get the financial compensation that you deserve.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form or call (800) 807-2209 today.

Examples of unwanted sexual requests in New York City, Philadelphia & Miami

Some victims may feel they cannot stand up for themselves or might think withstanding unwelcome sexual advances is just part of the job. This isn’t so. There are subtle, nuanced forms of harassment you may not even realize are illegal. Some examples include:

  • Your co-worker repeatedly asks you for dates/sex
  • Your boss offers you a promotion or increase in pay in exchange for sex
  • A supervisor requests sexual favors in exchange for special treatment
  • Your supervisor threatens to demote or fire you for not sleeping with him or her

Requests for sex could come from someone of the same gender. They can come in the form of innuendo or they could be outwardly vulgar. Some requests are blatant, while others are more covert. Harassment could start with an invitation such as “Let’s grab a drink after work to discuss this project,” and then turn into a request for sex. An inappropriate invitation might not even be for sexual intercourse — a demand for any kind of sexual activity could be considered harassment. The EEOC has defined sexual harassment in its guidelines as: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Some sexual advances evolve into unwelcome sexual contact or physical endangerment.

Steps to take after an inappropriate request

Firstly, after a colleague, supervisor or subordinate makes an unwanted sexual advance, you should first tell them the request is unwelcome. Let him or her know the behavior is unacceptable. If the request is severe enough, or if the conduct continues, take appropriate action with your Human Resources department or supervisor. Report and document the incidences of each sexual harassment.

You may wish to pursue legal action, either immediately or a little bit later down the road. Thus, you should preserve all evidence relating to sexual requests. This includes emails, text messages, notes or pictures. Record all dates, times and details of the incidences. Preserving evidence helps your sexual harassment attorney build a case against your employer, helping you maximize compensation.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form or call (800) 807-2209 today.

Contact our experienced sexual harassment attorneys for a free consultation

When your emotional stability and livelihood is threatened by sexual harassment, contact the employment law attorneys at the Derek Smith Law Group. We fight to obtain compensation for those affected by sexual harassment and gender discrimination in New York City, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Miami. Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys offer a free consultation and take no fee unless we recover for you.

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