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Sexual Bribery Attorneys


Sexual Bribery Attorneys in New York City, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Miami & Los Angeles

What is Sexual Bribery?

A sexual bribe is the solicitation of sex, any sexual activity or other sex-linked behaviour for a promise of elevation in work status or pay. A sexual bribe may be either overt or subtle but falls under the type of Quid Pro Quo sexual harassment. Quid Pro Quo is a 16th-century Latin term meaning “this for that”.

An unwanted sexual advance under any circumstance can leave you feeling uncomfortable, confused and upset. But when it happens in the workplace, and the advance comes attached to a bribe, your anxieties are bound to increase.  It could have come from a subtle email or an overt act. In any event, sexual bribery in the workplace is illegal in New York, and you may be entitled to compensation if you were the victim of sexual bribery harassment while at your place of employment. The New York City sexual harassment attorneys at the Derek Smith Law Group can help if you have been affected by sexual bribery.
If you are an employee and need representation in an employment law issue, contact us for a free review with an employment law attorney today.

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Understanding Sexual Bribery in the Workplace

Sexual bribery occurs when a co-worker or supervisor offers an incentive for engaging in sexual relations with them or another employee. The proposed sexual act is presented as a condition of obtaining or retaining employee benefits. Sexual coercion is typically the opposite of bribery when an employee faces negative consequences for not conceding to a sexual advance.  Sexual favors could include intercourse or other sexual activities. If this has happened to you call our sexual harassment attorneys at the Derek Smith Law Group in New York City, New Jersey or Pennsylvania today.

What are some examples of sexual bribery?

Not sure if your workplace situation would be considered sexual bribery? Common examples of sexual bribery include being offered the following in exchange for sexual favors:

  • A promotion
  • A positive performance review
  • A raise
  • A good recommendation
  • Special treatment in the workplace
A co-worker could also be guilty of this type of harassment, not just a supervisor. Requests could be given in person, over email, via phone calls, over text message, through notes, or other forms of communication. Additionally, sexual bribery may occur within the same gender. So, if the sexual advance came from someone of the same-sex, do not think you are prevented from pursuing legal protection.

A type of quid pro quo sexual harassment

According to city, state, and federal laws there are two types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. Meaning “something for something” in Latin, quid pro quo is the most commonly recognized form of sexual harassment — sexual bribery falls under the quid pro quo harassment umbrella. New York Human Rights Laws and the federal statute Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit offering job benefits in return for sexual favors.

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Contact our sexual harassment attorneys for a free consultation

When inappropriate sexual advances have harmed you at your place of employment, it’s time to fight back against your aggressor. The Employment Law Attorneys at the Derek Smith Law Group, PLLC has successfully handled countless sexual harassment cases in and around New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and Florida. Contact our firm online today or give us a call at 800-807-2209 to schedule your free initial consultation.

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