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Sexism in The Workplace


Workplace Sexism Attorney in New York City, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Miami & Los Angeles

What is workplace sexism? What constitutes sexism in the workplace?

Workplace sexism is discrimination based on gender. Sexism can also be cultural attitudes and stereotypes that favor one gender over the other. Both men and women can be victims of sexism in the workplace. Sexual harassment is not always obvious. Occupational sexism is often subtle and can come in the form of sly comments about your gender or offhand sexist jokes. What you may not know is this may be considered sexual harassment — which is prohibited by New York State and City, as well as federal, law. Some workplace sexism can also lead to detrimental professional damage if you are being denied employment or a promotion because of your gender.

Our attorneys advocate vigorously on behalf of sexual harassment victims in New York City and throughout the states of New York, New Jersey , Pennsylvania & Florida. We can help you if you have been affected by sexism at work. Sexism and Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of gender-based discrimination and is illegal under federal and New York state employment laws. Our with over 20 years of experience handling sexual harassment and employment discrimination cases our sexism attorneys will guide you through every step of your sexual harassment lawsuit or EEOC claim. We offer free consultations and do not take a fee if we do not recover in your case.
If you are an employee and need representation in an employment law issue, contact us for a free review with an employment law attorney today.

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What are some types of sexism at work?

You might not even be aware that certain uncomfortable behaviors are actually sexist acts. You might have told the culprit to stop speaking to you in the manner, but he or she persists. Perhaps you are too afraid to speak up. But, sexism at work is discrimination — you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

Occupational Sexism comes in many forms, including:

Sexist comments

Typically, sexist comments are demeaning and degrading remarks about women or men. Comments of this nature can be may be directed towards you, or about your gender in general. They could be inappropriate statements about your appearance disguised as a compliment. Offering disparaging commentary about women in the workplace is certainly sexist. Specific examples of sexist comments are:

  • “You have a beautiful body.”
  • “She must be on her period.”
  • “Get back in the kitchen!”
  • “You are too pretty to worry about your career.”
  • “Hey, sweetheart, can you fetch me a cup of coffee?”
  • “Women should be seen, not heard”

Sexist remarks frequently play on gender stereotypes. They can objectify men or women, defining them in terms of sexual appeal rather than talent or skill.

Sexist jokes

Oftentimes, a joke just isn’t funny. Sexist jokes can be hostile, condescending or even violent in nature. They sometimes serve the purpose of intimidating, degrading or humiliating the recipient.  If two co-workers enjoy sharing off-color jokes together, this is not sexual harassment. But, if you hear sexist jokes or if the jokes are directed at you and make you uncomfortable, this may be sexual harassment.

Sex discrimination

One of the worst forms of sexism in the workplace is sex-based employment discrimination. Women or men can be made to feel isolated on the job, or not be given access to certain employment benefits because of their gender. Men and women might have their roles limited based on gender. For example, you might have been told: “Heavy lifting is man’s work, darling.”

Sex discrimination includes such actions as:
  • Being denied a promotion due to your sex
  • Being denied employment because of your sex
  • Being paid less money than members of the opposite sex performing the same job functions
  • Being told you cannot perform certain job functions due to your gender

If your job is restricted because of your gender, or you are being treated unfairly you might be the victim of sexual harassment and discrimination.

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When is sexism considered sexual harassment?

If a co-worker called you “sweetheart” or made a demeaning comment about women on one occasion, it probably isn’t substantial enough to constitute harassment.

But, if sexist conduct is pervasive, making your work environment hostile, it could be illegal. If you fear going to work, your job performance suffers or you are oppressed on the job, it probably constitutes a hostile work environment. You may feel forced to quit because the atmosphere is so offensive. On the other hand, if a one-time occurrence of sexism was severe that may also warrant legal action. For example, if you were fired because you are a woman this is sex discrimination.

Retain an experienced sexual harassment attorney for hard-hitting representation

At the Derek Smith Law Group, we don’t let people get away with unfair harassment. If you have been the victim of sex discrimination or sexism in the workplace, contact our firm today either online or by calling 800-807-2209. Our sexual harassment lawyers serve clients in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island and throughout the state of New York. We also represent employee’s sexual harassment cases in New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Miami.

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