Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It can include unwelcome touching, groping, repeated requests for dates or sex, comments about your physical appearance, and lewd jokes.
The Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyers at Derek Smith Law Group help you if you are a victim of workplace sexual harassment. Get the compensation and justice that you deserve with the help of our experienced Sexual Harassment Lawyers in Los Angeles. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyers Defending Employees Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual harassment in the Los Angeles workplace affects employees and job applicants through unwanted sexual contact, comments, and actions. Sexual harassment in employment is a form of sex and gender discrimination at work. It targets men and women in the workplace without prejudice. Federal and state laws prohibit all forms of sexual harassment in the Los Angeles workplace.

Your sexual harassment lawyer should stand by your side and explain your rights. They will explain every aspect of the legal process and prepare you for each phase. They will prepare you for your depositions, settlement conference, and all other pieces of the litigation process. Your sexual harassment lawyer will be your trusted advocate, advisor, and confidant throughout the entire legal process.
Los Angeles is a unique city for employment. However, it is also a unique city for sexual harassment. Some of the most influential celebrities in the world live and work in Los Angeles. As a result, some of the most noteworthy claims of workplace sexual harassment come from Los Angeles (Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Danny Masterson, and more).
What Are the Types of Sexual Harassment in the Los Angeles Workplace?
Workplace sexual harassment can create two types of claims: (1) a quid pro quo claim for sexual harassment and (2) a hostile work environment.
1. A hostile work environment claim for sexual harassment occurs when you get subjected to such horrific acts of sexual harassment that you cannot continue your daily work activities.
A hostile work environment occurs when you must constantly fight off sexual advances, comments, and contact. No matter how many times you ask your harasser to stop, they keep the behavior going. It becomes severe and pervasive.
In some instances, you may not be the direct target of harassment. However, you find it offensive and distracting. It makes the work environment impossible to manage.
2. A quid pro quo (“this for that”) claim occurs when employees receive advances in the workplace or favorable treatment in exchange for sexual favors.
For instance, your Los Angeles employer requests sexual actions from you. In exchange for your agreement to perform these actions, he offers you a substantial raise.
Quid Pro Quo as Retaliation for Refusal of Sexual Advances
Quid pro quo sexual harassment actions can also occur when you lose a right or privilege at work in retaliation for denying your employer’s, boss’s, or manager’s sexual advances. For instance, your boss asks you out on a date, and you say no.
He warns you that he will take away any weekend hours on your schedule if you do not go out with him. You say no again. He removes your hours for Saturday and Sunday for the upcoming week.
Who Can be the Victim of Workplace Sexual Harassment in Los Angeles, CA?
How Can Sexual Harassment Victims Report Complaints in Los Angeles?
Before you report your sexual harassment complaint to anyone in the workplace, you may choose to stop the harasser’s actions on your own. Ask your harasser to stop their behavior. Tell them it offends you and bothers you.
Make sure you document what occurred, when it occurred, where it occurred, who was involved, who witnessed the incident, and how you reacted to the incident.
How Your Employer Can Stop Sexual Harassment at Work
If your harasser does not stop their behavior, you should report the incident to a supervisor, manager, employer, union, or Human Resources team. You must allow your employer and HR team the chance to correct the situation. They can conduct a thorough investigation and address the issues internally. In some cases, this process may be enough to stop the harassment, provide relief to you, and help you move on.When to Contact a Sexual Harassment Attorney
If your employer refuses to correct the problem, you have the right to file a lawsuit against them. If your employer fails to correct the problem and punish your harasser, you should speak to a local sexual harassment attorney Los Angeles to determine your next steps towards receiving justice. Your attorney can help you file your claim and get the justice your employer prevented you from receiving.Does Online Sexual Harassment Occur in the Los Angeles Workplace?
Sexual harassment occurs in person and online. Online sexual harassment has become more prevalent as more employees are working from home. The trend of increased online sexual harassment claims may continue as technology continues to advance.
Many harassers feel more comfortable harassing their coworkers and employees from behind a computer screen. They may make sexual comments, share sexual photos, videos, and images, and send sexting messages without fear of repercussions.
Types of Online Sexual Harassment in the LA Workplace:
Indirect Online Sexual Harassment in the LA Workplace:
Sometimes sexual harassment is indirect. Indirect harassment means that others receive images, text messages, emails, and photos of you. Indirect harassment means you are the intended victim, but others receive the photos, videos, or messages about you. For instance, revenge porn is a perfect example of indirect harassment.
How Can You Report Online Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?
Sexual harassment laws prohibit online sexual harassment as much as they prohibit in-person sexual harassment. Victims should inform their supervisors or HR team about any acts of online sexual harassment.
As with in-person workplace sexual harassment cases, you must put the complaint in writing to prove you sent the complaint and documented all available information. If your employer does nothing to stop the behavior, you may have a sexual harassment claim against your employer.
Working with a Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer can help you collect evidence. They can help you file a complaint in court against your employer for online sexual harassment. Your sexual harassment lawyer from the Los Angeles office of the Derek Smith Law Group can advocate for you when battling online sexual harassment.
What are the Signs of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Los Angeles?
Sexual harassment in a Los Angeles workplace can occur in many ways. Some examples of sexual harassment at work may include:
- Your employer promises you a promotion in exchange for sex.
- Your supervisor fired you for reporting her sexual advances.
- Your CEO sets a policy for all women to wear low-cut shirts and maintain a bodyweight under 120 pounds.
- Your coworker massages your back every time you speak with him. You ask him to stop, and he does not.
- Your boss promises you a raise if you go to a few events with him like his “arm candy.”
- Your manager sexually assaults you.
- Your coworker rapes you at the holiday party.
- Your boss continually asks you on dates.
- Your coworker makes sexist remarks about women in the workplace, even though he knows they offend you.
- The hiring manager promises to hire you if you “play with her” up her skirt.
- Your client insists you kiss her at the end of every meeting.
Los Angeles is rife with sexual harassment claims. Between the perfect Mediterranean climate, earthquakes, and the excitement of the movie industry, ethical and moral lines become very blurry. The examples above are just a few of the many ways sexual harassment occurs in the Los Angeles workplace.
Can Sexual Harassment Occur in Public Places and Schools in Los Angeles?
State law prohibits sexual harassment in places of public accommodations and housing in Los Angeles. Whether you are at one of the many landmarks, such as Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Capitol Records Building, Grauman’s Chinese Theater, enjoying the stores lining Hollywood Boulevard, or even enjoying a game at the Staples Center, you have a right to enjoy your time out without the threat of sexual harassment.
The Unruh Civil Rights Act prohibits sexual harassment and sex discrimination in places of public accommodations and housing.
- Hotels
- Retail establishments
- Medical Offices
- Theaters
- Museums
- Stadiums
- Salons
Sexual Harassment in Los Angeles Schools
Federal law prohibits sexual harassment in any educational institution in Los Angeles. Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 prohibits sexual harassment in any school receiving federal money. Almost all schools (private, universities, colleges, parochial, and public) receive some form of federal funding, including scholarships and grants.
What Laws Protect You from Workplace Sexual Harassment in Los Angeles?
Federal and state laws protect employees and job applicants from sexual harassment at work in Los Angeles. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects employees in companies with 15 or more workers. Under Title VII, sexual harassment victims must file a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) before filing the complaint in federal court.
Los Angeles Laws Prohibiting Workplace Sexual Harassment
The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is California’s Sexual Harassment Law. FEHA protects employees from sexual harassment in Los Angeles and other California workplaces. Employers with five or more employees must follow the guidelines of the law or risk litigation. Employees must file claims with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing before filing their case in state court.
The experienced sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group in Los Angeles can help you determine which law best suits your case. They can help you file your claim with the appropriate agency to move forward with your lawsuit.
What Can Your Los Angeles Employer Do to Prevent Sexual Harassment?
The California Fair Employment and Housing Act forces employers to train their employees regarding sexual harassment. All managers in companies with five or more employees must go through at least two hours of classroom or interactive classroom training within six months of hiring and once every two years.
Non-supervisor employees must undergo at least one hour of approved sexual harassment training within six months of hiring and once every two years.
If your employer has at least five employees and does not provide you with this training, you have a right to file a complaint with the DFEH.
Is Sexual Harassment in Los Angeles a Criminal Offense?
Civil Claim Against Your Employer for Criminal Sexual Conduct in the LA Workplace
The civil suit allows you to obtain financial relief from your employer. You become an active participant in the lawsuit as a plaintiff. You do not need to win your criminal case to file a civil lawsuit against your employer. You do not even need to file a criminal case against your attacker to file a civil lawsuit against your employer.
If you are the victim of criminal sexual conduct at work, contact the sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group in Los Angeles. Our team of dedicated sexual harassment attorneys can help you file your claim against your employer to begin the civil lawsuit.
Sexual harassment in the Los Angeles workplace occurs when employees and job applicants experience unwanted physical contact, sexual comments, and sexual advances from others at work. It affects men, women, and non-binary individuals. Harassers can be men, women, or non-binary people at work.
Sexual harassment at work can occur as owner sexual harassment, CEO sexual harassment, manager sexual harassment, supervisor sexual harassment, coworker sexual harassment, or non-employee sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment laws prohibit retaliation against employees who refuse sexual advances or report sexual harassment in the Los Angeles workplace. Getting fired from work for reporting sexual harassment in your California workplace is wrongful termination.
Federal and California laws include provisions against retaliation in the workplace. These provisions prevent employers from discouraging other victims from reporting sexual harassment out of fear of losing their job or worse.
If you experience wrongful termination or other retaliation related to sexual harassment, consult with a dedicated Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer immediately. The Derek Smith Law Group lawyers take pride in fighting against all forms of retaliation relating to sexual harassment. They can advocate for your employee rights in the Los Angeles workplace.
The time limit, or statute of limitations, to file your sexual harassment claim varies between federal and state laws.
Under federal law, you have 300 days in California to file your charge with the EEOC. Once you receive your Right to Sue Letter from the EEOC, you have 90 days to file your complaint in federal court.
Under the FEHA, you have three years to file a claim for sexual harassment in the workplace with the DFEH. You do not have to wait for the DFEH to complete an investigation to get a Right to Sue letter. Instead, you may request the letter immediately and then file your complaint in state court.
The dedicated employment discrimination and sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group will help ensure your complaint is filed with the proper agency or the courts within the appropriate time frame. Your attorneys will help ensure your case sees its day in court by submitting your legal filings on time.
From the moment you file your Los Angeles sexual harassment lawsuit, you can begin settlement negotiations with your employer. Your employer may try to settle the claim quickly. In that case, you may settle your claim in as soon as three to six months.
However, some employers will not settle the case right away. They may never agree to a reasonable settlement. These cases will go through the court system and litigation process. They may take as long as ten years or more to reach a final judgment.
It is best to work with a dedicated California sexual harassment attorney who will help you work towards a reasonable settlement agreement as quickly as possible. The experienced sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group in Los Angeles can help you reach a settlement as quickly as possible. However, if your case must go to a Los Angeles courtroom, your attorney will vigorously fight for your rights to reach a judgment as quickly as possible.
Los Angeles courts want to help victims of sexual harassment at work. If you win your case, the courts will likely offer you compensation, such as monetary awards. They may also reinstate your job, insist the harasser be removed from their position, and even insist the company changes their policies and procedures.
Your sexual harassment attorney in Los Angeles will help you request the compensation and remedies to help lead you towards the justice you deserve. The dedicated sexual harassment lawyers within the Derek Smith Law Group will advocate for the relief you so rightly deserve.
How Can Employees Find a Qualified Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Los Angeles?
When you become the victim of sexual harassment in your Los Angeles workplace, you need to find an attorney you can trust to advocate for your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve. You can begin your search by reaching out to trusted friends and family to see if they know any sexual harassment lawyers in Los Angeles that can help.
If your circle of trust does not have a referral for you, you can turn to internet resources, such as Google reviews, Facebook, Yelp, and AVVO. These websites offer client reviews that will assist you in finding the sexual harassment lawyer best suited for your LA sexual harassment claim.
If you need a dedicated and compassionate sexual harassment lawyer in Los Angeles, contact the Derek Smith Law Group lawyers in Los Angeles for a free consultation.
Why do You Need to Work with an Experienced Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Los Angeles?
The Los Angeles employment culture is not like anywhere else in the United States. With close to 4 million residents, Los Angeles is the second most populated city in the US.
Los Angeles includes a truly diverse employee population, such as wealthy individuals who work within the entertainment industry and wealthy corporate conglomerates. However, Los Angeles also includes its working-class individuals and even its poor.
LA Lawyers Understand the Los Angeles Corporate Landscape
Some of Los Angeles’s largest employers include well-known companies, such as Kaiser Permanente, University of Southern California, the Northrop Grumman Corp., Walt Disney Company, NBC, ABC, Providence Health and Services Southern California, or Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. However, it also includes smaller business offices or companies within the Los Angeles borders. Therefore, you need a lawyer to help navigate the legal system and exercise your employee rights.
What an Experienced Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer Can Do for You?
Working with a dedicated Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer will help ensure you find the right laws to help your employment sexual harassment legal claim. Furthermore, your compassionate sexual harassment attorney can help you draft your charge to highlight the incidents leading to your claim.
Your sexual harassment lawyer in Los Angeles will also help you draft a request for compensation best suited for your claim. Leaving your claim and compensation to chance without the help of a lawyer can ruin your chances of meeting the necessary time limits to file your claim and legal documents. It can also leave you without all the compensation you deserve.
The dedicated and experienced sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group in Los Angeles can help ensure you meet all deadlines set by the court and laws. They can ensure you file your claim with the appropriate agency. They can even help you request the compensation that you truly deserve.
Our Compassionate Sexual Harassment Lawyers in Los Angeles Are Ready to Help.
Sexual harassment at work is as much a problem now as it was ten or twenty years ago. As an employee in Los Angeles, you have the right to work in an environment free from sex discrimination and sexual harassment. Call the trusted sexual harassment lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group in Los Angeles for help.
How Can You Contact Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorneys for a Free Consultation?
Our team of sexual harassment lawyers in Los Angeles has years of experience helping clients recover compensation for violations of their rights in the workplace.
Matt Finkelberg, Managing Partner
Attorney Matt Finkelberg is a dedicated advocate for employees facing sexual harassment in their Los Angeles workplace. He believes in providing the absolute best advocacy for his clients as they fight their employers for compensation regarding their sexual harassment claims.
Attorney Ishan Dave is one of the top sexual harassment lawyers in Los Angeles and New York City. He displays compassion, dedication, and experience in every situation. He works to fiercely advocate for your rights when you must face your harasser to receive the justice you deserve.
Attorney Olivia Uzan is an international sexual harassment lawyer. In the LA office, Attorney Uzan works to defend the rights of employees facing sexual harassment in the workplace under all circumstances. She works day and night to help you get the compensation to which you are entitled.
Attorney Sarah Keane is a community activist who vigorously defends employees’ rights in the Los Angeles workplace. She believes all employees deserve the best representation when battling sexual harassment in the workplace.
Attorney Jorge Hechavarria has worked to help members of the Los Angeles community battle sexual harassment in the workplace and public spaces since he began his career. He works tirelessly to defend the rights of Los Angeles employees battling sexual harassment in the workplace.
Please contact us with any sexual harassment questions you may have. Many forms of sexual harassment may get swept under the rug or go unnoticed. If you think an event at work was a form of sexual harassment, contact us to find out. Call 310.602.6050 or email You may choose to fill out our online form as well. We are here to help and never charge a fee to answer your initial questions.
Sexual Harassment Cases We Handle:
- Hostile Work Environment
- Quid Pro Quo
- Unwelcome Request For Sex
- Sexism in the Workplace
- Sexual Bribery
- Sexual Gift-Giving at Work
- Sexual Harassment by a Supervisor
- Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault of Patients
- Workplace Sexual Coercion
- Non-Employee Sexual Harassment
- Gay and Lesbian Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Harassment at Off-Site Events
- Stalking in the Workplace
- Criminal Sexual Conduct
- Sexual Joking
- Co-Worker Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Orientation Harassment
- Unwanted Physical Contact
- Same-Sex Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Harassment at Office Holiday Parties
- Sexual Harassment By The CEO
- Sexual Harassment by a Manager
- Sexual Harassment by the Owner
- Online Sexual Harassment
- Fashion Industry Sexual Assault
- Pornography / Offensive Pictures at Work
Facts About Los Angeles
- California joined the Union in 1847.
- The first Railroad ran between Los Angeles and New Orleans in 1876 with the completion of the Southern Pacific line.
- The second railroad in the country was the Santa Fe Railroad (completed in 1885).
- Los Angeles is the home of petroleum, which was first discovered there in 1892. This discovery helped promote California to the US’s largest producer of oil.
- The entertainment industry began in Hollywood, which merged with Los Angeles in 1910, bringing their already booming industry along.
- Los Angeles introduced a legal presence in zoning. Los Angeles created the first zoning laws in 1908. The Los Angeles City Council introduced zoning for both residential and commercial land use.
- Over 50% of the Los Angeles population consists of Asian, Hispanic, and African American citizens.
- The Mediterranean climate means the Los Angeles weather is almost always perfect. The temperature never dips below the high 60s and often stays within the 80s during the majority of the year.
- Los Angeles includes some amazing tourist attractions, such as the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, LA Live, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Venice Canal Historic District and boardwalk, Theme Building, Bradbury Building, US Bank Tower, Wilshire Grand Center, Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles City Hall, Hollywood Bowl, Battleship USS Iowa, Watts Towers, Staples Center, and Dodger Stadium.