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Ethnic Discrimination Attorneys

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Ethnic Discrimination in the Workplace

Ethnic Discrimination Lawyer Protecting Employees Against Discrimination for Over 25 Years

Ethnic discrimination occurs when a person receives unfair treatment based on characteristics relating to their culture, such as race, language, religion, and other cultural characteristics. Many laws and regulations protecting employees from national origin, religion, or race discrimination apply to employees dealing with ethnic discrimination.

Federal and state laws prohibit ethnic discrimination in the workplace. When you face discrimination based on ethnicity at work, you have the right to stand up for your rights without the fear of retaliation or wrongful termination.

You deserve a dedicated discrimination attorney that will help you stop the discrimination in its tracks. You deserve an attorney that understands the laws prohibiting ethnic discrimination and how it applies to your case.

What Defines Ethnicity Discrimination?

Ethnic discrimination is based on culture. Culture applies to a person’s race, religion, language, clothing, food, and customs. Many people mistakenly use the words race and ethnicity interchangeably. However, ethnicity applies to so much more about a person’s overall culture. An employer, CEO, supervisor, manager, coworker, or non-employee commits ethnic discrimination when they treat you unfairly or harass you because of your ethnicity.

Ethnic discrimination often leaves victims feeling abused and humiliated. People work hard to gain respect and trust, no matter their job title, education, or ethnicity. Any negative or disparate treatment in the workplace based on ethnicity creates a horrific situation for its victims. The resulting humiliation can destroy a person’s self-esteem as well as their career.

How Would You Recognize Ethnic Discrimination at Work?

Some examples of ethnic discrimination may include:

  • An employer refuses to promote you because you are not the physical image he wants to project for the company and its staff.
  • A coworker makes fun of your ethnic clothing.
  • An employer insists you cannot wear your hair naturally because it is too ethnic.
  • Your supervisor denies you a raise unless you start to dress less ethnic and more mainstream.
  • Coworkers make jokes about the food you eat because it is not simple like pasta.
  • Coworkers made comments regarding your rituals or perceived rituals based on your ethnic background.
  • Your boss and colleagues make jokes about you being in a relationship with an ethnic person.
  • You got fired because you refuse to conform to a standard that belittles or degrades your ethnicity and culture.
  • You got demoted because you complained to HR about ethnic discrimination in the workplace.
  • You get harassed because your supervisor wants to be with an “ethnic woman.”
How Are You Protected from Ethnicity Discrimination at Work?

Federal and state laws protect you from ethnic discrimination in the workplace. Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964 prohibits race, religious, and national origin discrimination at work. Ethnic discrimination falls into the guidelines of these categories. Any display of ethnic discrimination at work violates this law prohibiting employers from using your ethnicity to make any employment decisions.

Each state maintains laws prohibiting employers from using race, national origin, or religion (your ethnicity) to make any negative employment-related decisions. Depending on the state, you may receive more protections from the state laws than the federal laws.

Your ethnic discrimination lawyers from the Derek Smith Law Group can help you determine the laws best suited for your claim.

How Long Do You Have to File Your Ethnic Discrimination Claim?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) receives any Title VII claims for ethnicity discrimination. The statute of limitations to file a claim under the federal law is 180 days. However, many states have laws protecting employees from ethnic discrimination, increasing the federal time limit to 300 days to file your claim.

Each state with ethnicity discrimination laws sets its own time limits for filing your claim. Depending on your state, you may have 180 days to several years to file your claim with the appropriate agency or court.

Many states maintain a reciprocal agreement with the EEOC. Therefore, if you file with your state, your claim gets filed with the EEOC automatically. If you file with the EEOC, your claim gets filed with the EEOC automatically.

Contact an experienced ethnic discrimination lawyer to help you determine the timeline available to file your claim for workplace discrimination.

How Long Can You Expect Your Ethnic Discrimination Case to Take?

Ethnic discrimination cases may take anywhere from a couple of months to settle to several years to litigate. A good attorney will offer your employer the opportunity to settle the claim before it gets filed. If your employer accepts the opportunity, you may settle your claim in only a couple of short months.

Settlement negotiations can occur until the court enters a final judgment. Some employers will settle in the first few months of receiving notice of your filing. However, others may wish to see the case through to trial.

Your dedicated discrimination lawyer from the Derek Smith Law Group will work to settle your claim as quickly and fairly as possible. However, they will not fold or back down to avoid going to court. If your employer insists on going to court, your attorney will by your side, advocating for your rights until the court enters its final judgment.

How Can the Courts Help Victims of Ethnic Discrimination in the Workplace?

When your employer violates your rights, the law is on your side. If you are the victim of ethnic discrimination in the workplace, the law provides legal remedies to help you find justice. These remedies can even teach your employer the behavior is unacceptable. Some of the types of relief may include:

  • Receiving employment and benefits
  • Payment of medical expenses
  • Employer payment of all legal expenses
  • Change of company policies
  • Back pay
  • Future pay
  • Legal remedies (pain and suffering, emotional distress, and punitive damages)

Your dedicated discrimination lawyer at the Derek Smith Law Group can help you request relief from the courts to help you get back on your feet and move on from this chapter of your life.

How Can an Ethnic Discrimination Lawyer Help You with Your Case?

Ethnic discrimination affects your job, your reputation, and your outlook on life. When subjected to such discrimination in the workplace, you may be quite emotional. You may feel humiliated while simultaneously frightened of being fired or experiencing other forms of retaliation if you speak up.

Therefore, you need a discrimination attorney to help you stand up for your rights and fight for the justice you are entitled to receive. Your attorney can help you fight while asking for everything you know you deserve.

Furthermore, your attorney can help you follow all the necessary court rules and file your complaint on time in the right location.

The dedicated and zealous ethnic discrimination law firm of the Derek Smith Law Group can help you file your complaint with the proper agency or court within the required time limit. They can help you draft your complaint based on the applicable laws to ensure you get the best outcome possible.

Contact Our Experienced Team of Ethnic Discrimination Attorneys Today for Your Free Consultation

No one should be harassed or treated unfairly in the workplace because of their ethnicity. If you are the victim of ethnic discrimination, you deserve a team of lawyers that understands your plight and will help you stand up against the injustice you endured.
The experienced employment discrimination attorneys at the Derek Smith Law Group can help you stand up for your rights. We can help you file your claim and demand letter to get the relief you deserve.
If you need an ethnic discrimination lawyer in New York City, Philadelphia, Miami, Los Angeles, or New Jersey, contact the Derek Smith Law Group at (800) 807-2209 for a free consultation. We do not collect any money until you win your case.

Did your employer target you at work because of your ethnicity? Do you have questions about your rights regarding ethnic discrimination? Please call us at 800.807.2209 or email with your questions.

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