No one can deny the stigma and shame surrounding sexual harassment. But the stigma doesn’t just extend to harassers — victims may feel embarrassed or ashamed to admit the abuse because of certain myths and stereotypes surrounding it. Misconceptions about the law can leave victims feeling helpless and confused about their actual rights.
Here the Derek Smith Law Group, we steadfastly advocate for our clients. We are here to break the stigma and set the record straight for sexual harassment victims in and around NYC:
Sexual harassment is a woman’s problem.
Men can be harassed by females. Women can sexually harass each other, and men can harass men. Sex or gender plays no role in a court of law.
Sexual harassment is a top-down problem.
You can be harassed by your co-worker, boss, CEO, subordinate or even a non-employer, like a customer or vendor. To be considered sexual harassment, the harasser does not have to be your supervisor.
The person harassed is the only victim.
Sexual harassment may make an uncomfortable work environment for everyone. If you are a witness to inappropriate behavior or asked to cover up someone’s misconduct, you are directly affected.
Harassment requires touching.
Unlawful workplace behavior comes in many forms: it could be physical, verbal, emotional or digital. It could also be a combination of behaviors over a significant period of time. Or, the harassment can be a serious, severe one-time incident. There is no ‘typical’ form of harassment.
Sexual harassment does not occur in my professional field.
Inappropriate workplace behavior can happen anywhere. From a medical office to a marketing firm to a shipyard, any working person can be harassed in any working situation. There is no ‘typical’ harassing situation. Victims and harassers come from all walks of life.
The Derek Smith Law Group, PLLC handles a multitude of cases that involve sexual harassment in New York City. For further information, please feel free to call us at 800-807-2209 for a free consultation or email at